
New Media Campaigns - Liaison Design GroupYourTown CMS is web platform and learning resource for towns, cities, counties, and economic development organizations looking to expand their presence online.

Created by Liaison Design Group and New Media Campaigns, YourTown CMS pulls together the outstanding design skill of Liaison with New Media Campaigns’ powerful technology to create a complete web solution tailored to the needs of municipal and economic development organizations.

After collaborating on a number of successful projects, Liaison and NMC sought to expand their partnership and create a central hub for clients to learn more about the partnership's process and technology.

As part of the YourTown CMS offering, Liaison creates a compelling design tailored to the client's goals and objectives. New Media Campaigns then equips the design with a custom content management system to manage the site. This process gives clients the opportunity to benefit from amazing design and powerful technology from two highly-regarded companies within the industry.

In order to help their clients succeed even more, YourTown CMS maintains a blog sharing best practices, strategies, and successes in municipal and economic development web development.

Liaison and NMC are committed to helping municipal and economic development organizations succeed online. To see examples of our partnership's work, view our portfolio. If you’re interested in utilizing YourTown CMS to help your organization, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.