Thanks for the reminder!
We just had an inquiry from a gentleman new to his role searching for a partner to build a new economic development website. That's the great news. The scary news is that he almost didn't call because we've fallen behind on blogging to this site. Fortunately, he mentioned this concern and I was able to tell him why. The primary reason being that Liaison Design Group and New Media Campaigns - the two companies behind YourTown CMS - have been quite busy lately. That's no excuse to let this site slip, but I do want to be sure that others now they can see the most up to date information about both companies at our respective websites. Hopefully it is crystal clear that the links to our sites are above.
We advocate the benefits of "consistently creating compelling content" to our clients, but sometimes we all need a little reminder to practice what we preach. So, thank you. I'll try to do better of maintaining an active presence on this site.